King Crab
The king of crustaceans living in the Arctic
The Red King Crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus), also called Kamchatka Crab or Alaskan Crab, has a wide distribution in the cold seas of the northern hemisphere. From the Bering Sea it was colonizing the cold waters of the Okhotsk Sea, the Sea of Japan and the Gulf of Alaska. In the 1960s, specimens were taken to the Barents Sea in Murmansk (Russia), from where it migrated to the Norwegian Sea.
Its white and red firm meat, with an intense Sea flavor and lightly sweet have made it in recent years a unique and highly appreciated culinary product. Interestingly, although known as Red King Crab, this color only appears once cooked since when the crab is alive shows a burgundy color.
It is the largest Crab of the King Crabs species, with a wingspan that can reach 1.8 meters and weigh more than 12 Kg and its capture is done using pots and traps as fishing gear. Our Russian product comes from the catch of Sustainable Fisheries in accordance with MSC requirements in the Barents Sea, by factory ships that process the captured specimens on board. Through rigorous selection, the smallest specimens are rejected back to the sea for future captures and maintenance of the ecosystem. Arctic Crab sells raw and cooked leg sections called clusters, with a minimum weight of 900g, having clusters of up to 2Kg per piece.
Crabs on board are selected by size, washed in sea water and deep-frozen, in the case of raw clusters. For boiled clusters, after sizing, they are cooked in seawater without additives and immersed in cold water before going into deep freezing. We sell these delicacies in boxes of 23-24 Kg, being one of the most appreciated delicacies by gourmets and by the best chefs in the World.
King Crab fishing is for sure a risky activity. Fishers in the Bering Sea or on the coasts of Alaska are dealing with waves of up to 8 meters, lashed by intense winds and with a temperature that can reach up to -30ºC.
Fishing boats place the pots on the seabed, between 150 and 200 meters deep. Inside the pots they introduce herring, sardine or minced cod as a bait. Once the pots are left, they are marked with surface buoys, to bring them later back up on the boat deck. Only adult crab fishing is allowed, so smaller specimens must be returned back to the sea. Also, the fishing quotas are very strict in order to keep the crab stocks at a healthy level.